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Thesis Instructions at Karelia University of Applied Sciences : Examples of In-text Citations and References

The following instructions describe the stages of the thesis process at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, from the choice of the topic to the publications of the thesis. The related forms and templates are also enclosed.

Basic rule


  In-text citation References

The author is given

print publications

Basic rule:            

Author’s last name year of publication, page number(s)

Basic rule:

Author’s last name, Initial letter(s) of the given name(s). Year of publication. Title. Publisher’s location: Publisher.

  (Sword 2012, 4)

Sword, H. 2012. Stylish Academic Writing. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

When the publication in authored by an organisation or a group

In-text citation


  Author. Year of publication or update. Title. URL address. Date when accessed.

(Statistics Finland 2020)



Statistics Finland. 2020. Turnover of the environmental goods and services sector by product classes 2019. 28.1.2021.

(World Health Organization 2020) World Health Organization. 2020‎. Coronavirus disease 2019 (‎‎‎‎COVID-19)‎‎‎‎: Situation Report, 30. World Health Organization. 1.1.2021.

Articles in scientific journals

In-text citation



Author. Year of publication. Title of the article. Name of the publication (journal) volume (issue), page numbers (from–to).

(Tuulentie 2019) Tuulentie, S. 2019. Immigrants in Northern Nature. Environmental Biographies through Photo Elicitation. Matkailututkimus 15 (2), 51–57.


In-text citation Reference

Standard No. 1234 and page that is referred to. The standard includes the acronym, such as  EN, EU-OSHA, ISO or SFS-EN, number, comma and the year of confirmation.  

Standard No. 1234. Year. Title of the standard. Organization that made the standard.


(CEN ISO/IEC TR 25060, 2017)

CEN ISO/IEC TR 25060. 2017. Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information. CEN Technical Secretariat.



In-text citation Reference

There are various types of databases, and it is appropriate to give different information on the source.  

Example from StatFin databases:

(TOL 2008)

TOL. 2008. Enterprise openings and closures by municipality and industrial activity, 2013Q1-2020Q4.




Acts, degrees and reports

In-text citations


The act or statute number/ year.

*Remember to add the section and subsection.

Document name number/year.  

*You can also refer to Finlex.

(Working Time Act 872/2019, 7 §) Working Time Act 872/2019. (English translation 18.12.2020.) 21.2.2021.
(Government Decree on Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland and a limited liability company called Business Finland 1147/2017, 1 §)

Government Decree on Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland and a limited liability company called Business Finland 1147/2017. (English translation 16.10.2019.) 1.1.2021.


AI Applications

In-text citation


(ChatGPT 2023)

List of references: name of the AI programme. Year. Subject or title of the text. Web address. Reference date. 

ChatGPT. 2023. What is AI?. Open AI. 30.3.2023.

Compilation and composite work: publication that includes several works by different authors

In-text citation




Author. Year of publication. In Editor(s) (Ed.) Title of the publication. Publisher’s location: Publisher, page numbers (from–to).

(Franzosi 2004)

Franzosi, R. 2004. Content Analysis. In Hardy, M. & Bryman, A. (Eds.) Handbook of Data Analysis. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 548–565.

Electronic sources

In-text citation


Author year of update, (page number(s))

*If the year of publication is not available, the current year is used. The URL address is never added to the in-text citation.  

Author. Year of update. Title. Organisation. URL address. Date when accessed.

*If the author is an organisation or group, do not mention them again. .

(Auvinen, Kallio, Neuvonen & Penttinen 2013.) (mentioned for the first time)

(Auvinen et al. 2013) (mentioned later in the text)
Auvinen P., Kallio U., Neuvonen L., Penttinen M. 2013. Karelia University of Applied Sciences Quality Handbook. Publications of Karelia University of Applied Sciences B:15, Karelia University of Applied Sciences. 28.1.2021
(Finnish Immigration Office 2020) Finnish Immigration Office. 2020. You can only apply for asylum if you are in Finland.  20.2.2020.


In-text citation


*Refer to the chapters if the e-book does not have page numbers.

*The same information as in print publications. However, you should add the database or other location from where the source was retrieved. Additionally, mark the date when it was accessed.

(McCain 2016, 24) McCain, D. 2016. Evaluation Basics. USA: ATD Press. Google books. 27.2.2020.  
(Schuh, Biddix, Dean & Kinzie 2016, Ch. 1) Schuh, J.H., Biddix, J.P., Dean, L.A. & Kinzie, J. 2016. Assessment in Student Affairs. USA: John Wiley & Sons. E-Book Central. 10.3.2020.


In-text citation Reference


Author(s). Year of publication. Title. University. Educational programme or faculty. Type of thesis (undergraduate, Master’s thesis, Doctoral dissertation). URL address. Date when accessed.

(Mattila 2020, 10)

Mattila, O. 2020. Developing International Services. Case: Tampere Chamber of Commerce. Tampere University of Applied Sciences. International Business. Bachelor’s Thesis. 1.2.2020.


Personal and spoken communication, such as interviews or presentations

In-text citation


*The in-text citation includes the last name of the informant, such as the interviewee and the year.

Interview: The name of the interviewee. Year of the interview. Position or title of the interviewee. Organisation date.

Spoken presentation, such as a lecture: Name. Year. Title of the presentation. Place of the presentation and date.

(Onninen 2013)

Onninen, O. 2013. Project Manager. Karelia University of Applied Sciences. Recorded interview 1.1.2013.

(Lemmetyinen 2013)

Lemmetyinen, J. 2013. Verkkokurssien ja -oppimateriaalien käsikirjoittaminen. Luento Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulussa Verkkokurssien käsikirjoitus -koulutuksessa 29.1.2013. [Writing manuscripts for online courses and materials: Lecture at Karelia University of Applied Sciences on Writing Manuscripts training 29.1.2013.]

(Labun 2021) Labun, M. 2021. Communication – The Essential Skill. Online webinar by Achieve, Centre for Leadership 1.2.2021.

Movies and Games

In-text citation References

*If the work is mentioned for the first time, the year of publication (release) is mentioned in brackets (parentheses).

Movies: Title. Year of release. Director. Production company. Country.

Games: Title. Year of release. Production company.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), a movie written and directed by Wes Anderson, recounts the adventures of a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel and the lobby boy who becomes his friend.

The Grand Budapest Hotel. 2014. Anderson, W. Fox Searchlight Pictures. USA.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) is a stealth game in which players take the role of Punished "Venom" Snake. 

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. 2015. Konami.


In-text citation


Author. Year. Title of the blog text. Date when written. URL address. Date when accessed.

(Peterson 2021)  Peterson, A. 2021. Getting a Grip on What’s Next for Robotics in Manufacturing. Manufacturing Innovation Blog. 21.01.2021. 28.1.2021.


In-text citation


*Instead of the title, write a few words from the beginning of the posting.


(Arbonaut 2020)
Arbonout. 2020. Facebook pages. 24.1.2021.


(Schenkelberg 2018) 
Schenkelberg, F. 2018. Why Use DOE.  15.2.2018.  24.1.2020.

Online videos, e.g. Youtube videos

In-text citation References

Author. Year of publication. Title of the video. Service provider. URL address. Date when cited.

(ProQuestRefworks 2013) ProQuestRefworks. 2013. "RefWorks Write-N-Cite 4: Installing & Logging In." YouTube-video. 24.2.2020.