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Thesis Instructions at Karelia University of Applied Sciences : Good Scientific Practice

The following instructions describe the stages of the thesis process at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, from the choice of the topic to the publications of the thesis. The related forms and templates are also enclosed.

Good Scientific Practice

Karelia UAS is committed to follow the guidelines of The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK on responsible conduct of research. Additionally, there are also field-specific ethical codes. Ethical norms and principles are binding to both the author and supervisor of the thesis. The student has right to receive guidance and instruction. However, the final responsibility for academic integrity and good scientific practice belongs to the student. Ethical principles are discussed in methodological studies and in thesis seminars, the purpose being to prevent problems and misconduct before they appear.

If the thesis includes interviews, observations or other types of research methodology involving human subjects, special attention should be paid to the TENK instructions The ethical principles of research with human participants and ethical review in the human sciences in Finland.